Funny blonde joke

A blonde cop pulled over a blonde speeder and asked for her license. The guilty driver said, 'Ooohh, I don't know what a license is. What does it look like?' It's about this big and has a picture on it, says the cop. The driver hands the cop her compact, with a mirror and says, "Here you go". The blonde cop looks at it and says, "Oh excuse me, I didn't know you were an officer too."


Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
I don't know where you came up with this one; must really be searching for things to about more kitty pictures-much better than this crap!
Anonymous said…
Poor Stevo must have spent too many hours in the hot tub drinking wine; too many hours on the golf course in the hot sun; got hit with a golf ball on the golf course in the hot sun; needs sleep; OR hit the whacky tobaccy! Sometin' done gone wrong upstairs........God love him, somebody has to.
Fam Guy said…
SOOO, any NON-blondes gonna comment?
Anonymous said…
Which end?

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