I was a little surprised

when Dennis Hastert(R) was busted for paying hush money to cover his sexual misconduct with children, BUT, I think the big question oughta be, "How did this former high school wrestling coach get to a point, (through Repub politics) where he had an extra $2 mil laying around, to pay his blackmailer? I think this says a LOT about money buying politicians, which is FINE in PUBWorld, as the Supreme Court(R) says buying votes OK with them. Sickening to get to the point where a Pub politician banks this kind of money, on the side, cuz his Congressional salary sure didn't fund it.
The Pubs spent over two years with Whitewater investigations that found ZILCH, BUT did find a stained blue dress. Let's check out the source of Dennis 'The Perv's' huge bank account, in an era where GW and The Dick were able to 'grease their way' with their fellow crooks(R), and lie the country into war. Or was it from the farm states and the 'ethanol' fiasco? Was a military pork barrel project in his district? The cash came from somewhere, and it wasn't salary. Maybe the same jerks who have had endless hearings on BENGHAZI! could look at some REAL crimes. The evidence (cash) is right there.....


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