If you want proof,

how FOX just 'makes it up', look at their reporting on Hillary's comments on the gun 'buy back' program in Australia. She said she 'might' consider it. BUT, when Bullshit Mountain reported, it got changed to 'Hillary considering 'MANDATORY' gun buy backs. Something she NEVER said, BUT, FOX is using it to rile the sheep. Google it, and see where 'mandatory' is ONLY used in the FOX report. Nothing new here, but typical of the network who just makes up what they want to report and ignores what they don't, so the sheep can be continually be 'riled' and voting Republican.
The ACTUAL quote is:
“Communities have done that in our country. Several communities have done gun buyback programs, but I think it would be worth considering doing it on the national level, if that could be arranged,” said Clinton,


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