Humans are made up of male and female hormones

In some. like 'girlie-girls' and 'macho men', the dominate hormone is near 100%. Other people are closer to 50/50, and SOME may be overloaded with the opposite gene from their body type, such as a girl, with more androgen than estrogen, and vice-versa with boys. It happens and we've all seen it.
The Rightwingnut Fundamentalists, with their heads firmly and deeply implanted refuse to see these 'mistakes' of nature, although they must see the more common birth defects that are readily noticeable. Do these whackjobs think someone born with Down Syndrome, or other birth defefts are demon possessed?
Maybe. Who knows.....
Bottom line, there are MANY ignorant people among us and the Orange Clown is now close to appoionting one of them to a Federal judgeship.

Jeff Mateer, President Donald Trump’s nominee
for a federal judgeship in Texas, is sparking
controversy over his remarks about transgender
Mateer has publicly expressed beliefs that transgender 
children are part of "Satan’s plan," and that the right 
to marriage equality could lead to polygamy and
According to CNN, Mateer spoke about a Colorado
lawsuit filed by a transgender child’s parents in a 2015
speech called, “The Church and Homosexuality.” In the
same speech, he called same-sex marriage
"disgusting," and said "We're back to that time where
debauchery rules."


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