I think everyone who saw Dr Ford’s testimony against the drunken preppy believ d her and sympathized, even Dotard, and he admitted as muc.

That is until, he got in front of a cheering crowd in Mississippi, then he became the same clueless idiot who mocked the disabled reporter and denied all the Stormy claims, until being faced with the facts.
He’s a LYING piece of crap that appeals to the lowest forms of society, and he can find a willing audience whenever he holds a campaign style rally that he loves SO much.
Whether they chant, Lock Her Up, or swallow his bullshit about Mexico paying for his wall, it never changes.
He LIES and they cheer.
The bigger the LIE, the louder th cheer from his gullible, ignorant minions.
No wonder the US is a laughing stock in the world. Just travel and see for yourself or watch his performance at the UN, where the world literally laughed AT him, not with him, as he tried to claim the next day, with MORE of his LIES.
What a fine example for our kids, as the lying, cheating pussy grabber is rewarded with power and a cheering clueless throng of idiots, while making fun of the brave, sincere female victim.


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