Dotard's 'Inner Circle', used to consist of

Michael Flynn, Reince Preibus, Steve Bannon, Paul Manafort, David Gates, Sean Spicer, (then The Mooch and Papodopolus), plus Hope Hicks, and tomorrow, McMasters.
All canon fodder, who are expendable, for the Liar in Chief.
NOW, they are ALL gone, as they try to avoid jail, and wanna be the first to do the deal that will keep them out of prison, as Robert Mueller keeps digging, and ties the Repub crooks to Russian collusion.
Who can't see what's happening?
Oh yeah, the 'head up their ass sheep'.
Nothing new here, but VERY interesting, just the same, as we see people who are gonna crack, rather than go to prison.
Who da thunk?


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