
Great YouTube video from a Trump fan, Dave Bautista. Give it two minutes…

We’ve ALL seen the video of Dotard’s mob attacking the Capitol on Jan 6, based on his LIES, but he and the Pubs act like we're blind and stupid.

 Now, the asshole says it was a ‘day of LOVE’, and they didn’t come because of hi, although he said, ‘Come to Washington on Jan 6th, it will be WILD.’ What kind of idiot swallows that crap? Oh yeah, the gullible ignorant FOXSheep….

You mean I’m not the only one who’s sick of Dotard’s LIES?

 “ I’m curious how people so close to you and your administration no longer want to support you, so why would I want to support you?” Trump was asked. “Your own vice president doesn’t want to support you now.”   Based on the body language in the room, Trump’s answers to that and other questions didn’t seem to be winning many people over ― and the former president’s critics on social media pointed that out:  Not sure we've ever seen anything like this before. The audience at Trump's Univision town hall is visibly showing their disgust over and over for Trump as he lies about January 6. — MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch)  October 17, 2024

Wow, I’m shocked! Here’s ANOTHER Repub who thinks Boss Hogg is a scumbag.

  WASHINGTON (AP) —   Mitch McConnell   said after the 2020 election that then-President   Donald Trump   was “stupid as well as being ill-tempered,” a “despicable human being” and a “narcissist,” according to excerpts from a new biography of the Senate Republican leader that will be released this month. McConnell made the remarks in private as part of a series of personal oral histories that he made available to Michael Tackett, deputy Washington bureau chief of The Associated Press.

We were reminded today, in a Harris commercial, with over a hundred Repubs who served with Boss Hogg,

 And all of them, among hundreds more, say he should NEVER hold power again. They were with him, and saw him in action, from his Cabinet, his appointees and his personal staff. They saw his narcissism, vindictiveness and incompetence.  And they are pleading with other Repubs, and everyone else: Don’t let this incompetent asshole near a position of power again. BUT, Rupert’s cash machine, FOX, is paid to say the opposite. Who ya gonna believe? Never mind. It’s not like the gullible ignorant sheep are gonna grow a brain all of a sudden….

Can you imagine what the clowns of Bullshit Mountain would say if Kamala Harris spent 39 minutes

 listening to music and ‘dancing’, instead of answering questions? He did urge everyone to get out and vote, on Jan 5th. The jerks would spend hours/days/weeks making fun of her, as they should, BUT, when Dotard does it they act like it’s normal. Nothing new here, but WTF?

Because Boss Hogg has promised massive tax breaks to the super rich, which will have to be made up by ‘the common folk’,

 Elon and his ilk have funneled YUUUGE amounts of $$$ to his campaign, considering it a small investment on future tax savings and massive power if the Orange Clown makes it to the White House. By concentrating on the 1% res, ‘Christian’s’ (like himself), and the rightwingnuts, all backed by Rupert’s cash machine/Repub Propaganda Network the morally bankrupt, LYING, pussy grabbing Narcissist has built a mighty political machine that may propel the wannabe dictator into the White House, where he will end America as we know it. Other than that, I see No Problem with the NYC conman….

Bullshit Mountwin haas nothing to say about Boss Hogg bailing on last two debates, BUT,

 Says that Harris agreeing to FOX interview is ‘sign of desperation’. What a bunch of jerks(R), but nothing new here….

Sooo, Dotard is finally listening to his handlers,

 who told him to bail out of the two debates he had scheduled. They realize he just shows what an ignorant jackass he is and they don’t need any more of that.

The dumbass has proven, multiple times, that he doesn’t even know WHO pays the tariffs, which over 95% of economists say would hurt Americans.

  Trump Says Experts Are All 'Wrong' For Telling Him His Tariff Proposals Won't Work In meandering Chicago remarks, Donald Trump suggested that he knew better than the experts on an economic policy he's put front and center.

Seriously, what’s wrong with that guy? Other than being a lying, cheating, morally bankrupt narcissist….

  Trump on Monday night  cut questions short  at a town hall event with supporters in Pennsylvania after two lengthy interruptions due to medical episodes, opting to play several of his favorite songs for the crowd for more than 30 minutes. “He stood on the stage for 30 minutes and danced. I’m serious. What’s wrong with this guy?” 

By any measure the US has a dream economy, BUT, if your head’s up your butt, deeply and firmly implanted,

 cuz you listen to, and believe the crap from Bullshit Mountain, you think the economy is terrible. Why? Cuz Dotard and FOX tell you so. Over 75% of people say they’re doing well, BUT, others aren’t. Why? Cuz the MAGA morons swallow the lies from Boss Hogg, who will say and do anything to be elected. And it’s sorta working. Nothing new here, but sickening just the same, as the same jerks who disparage the Dems are benefiting tremendously from their economy, while Dotard lies his ass off and the sheep believe him, in spite of well documented FACTS.

If THEY were in power now, can you imagine how loudly and incessantly Trump, FOX and the Pubs would be touting this economy?

 OMG, we’d constantly be hearing about new stock market records, inflation down to 2.4%, unemployment at 4%, the US leading the world in oil production, interest rates coming down, no shooting wars, etc. Everything from their own ‘Misery Index’ is looking fantastic, so they’d be patting themselves on the back until their arms broke. Prices are up, but they’re up everywhere in the world after we came out of the COVID recession, and the US is the envy of the world with our recovery, low inflation and economy. BUT, the jerks aren’t in charge, SO, we just hear their Bullshit about how the Dems have wrecked the economy and the country. What a bunch of lying, hypocritical assholes. But, nothing new, from the lying hypocrites….

Dotard keeps repeating the TOTAL LIE about Venezuelan gangs taking over Aurora, Colorado.

 BUT, in reality it was confined to one square block, and some old, condemned apartment buildings with an out of state owner. The GANGS consisted of 11 teens, 10 of which are now in custody, and one video of a drug deal gone bad. Aurora being taken over is a typical LIE from a Pathological Liar that is repeated by Bullshit Mountain and swallowed by the gullible ignorant sheep. Nothing new here, but it gets SO old….

Because of Boss Hogg’s LIES about FEMA, armed gangs and rightwing militias are hunting and threatening FEMA workers.

 It’s just like the threats and violence against election volunteers after his LIES about Dominion Voting Machines. When will you people learn he’s just a morally bankrupt Pathological Liar and a wannabe dictator who only cares about himself? Aid to several communities impacted by Hurricane Helene was temporarily paused in parts of North Carolina over the weekend due to reports of threats against Federal Emergency Management Agency responders, amid a  backdrop of misinformation  about responses to recent storms.

Maybe the zebras missed OBVIOUS calls in the CU game because they were distracted, by the Buffs cheerleaders…


It’s hard to get over last night’s screw job by the refs when it’s one of the lead stories all over the web, including USA Today.

  Shedeur also was sacked six times but almost had another chance at the end when his final pass looked like it should have been flagged for pass interference by Kansas State near the Wildcats' 40-yard line. The pass instead fell incomplete on fourth down with no penalty called.  There was another obvious missed pass interference call, two plays before. I hope the officials are investigated. No one is that blind, unintentionally. The word was out. Take Deion down…. BTW, most of the major sports outlets, and some news networks had stories and pics of how the Buffs got screwed, but FOX had their own view, as usual, saying Deion’s son, Shiloh, “Played terrible”, and didn’t mention the missed calls by the officials, of course, cuz Colorado is a Blue state, and all reporting has to fit into their mantra. Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, even in sports reporting. Some things never change… Same old shit from Bullshit Mountain.

A sickening no-call, like the one two plays before, after the Buffs lost their top three receivers and top defensive player to injuries.


Obviously, I wasn’t the only one to see the Buffs get hosed by crooked refs. It was too obvious to miss…


The Buffs earned another miracle finish, but got ROBBED by blind or crooked refs, in a 28-31 loss to K-State.

This 4th down OBVIOUS pass interference wasn’t called, and instead of first down inside the 20, the game was over. It was the second obvious no call on the same drive after the Buffs lost their best offensive/defensive player, Travis Hunter, to injury. Incompetent or crooked refs? Not sure….

After Kamala’s medical records were just released, we’re waiting for Trump’s, which he said he’d release.

 Just like his Health Plan. And his tax records. And the wall, that Mexico would pay for. I could go on and on, but why? Most of America KNOWS that Boss Hogg is a morally bankrupt, lying, sleazy conman and the sheep(R) don’t give a shit. So why bother?

Dems are hoping the new movie ‘The Apprentice’, which shows Dotard as the sleazy conman that he is, will hurt him among his voters. HA!

 They know what a total jackass he is, and don’t give a shit. Both sides thought his comments about ‘grabbing em b6 the pussy’, and stealing Top Secret documents and Inciting an Insurrection would SURELY hurt him with his base. HA! They don’t care. Indictments, felonies, rape convictions, consorting with his dictator heroes. No problem… Knowing that he’s a morally bankrupt, LYING conman who sells trading cards, pieces of clothing, Bibles made in China, and anything he can think of for more $$$ only makes the Hypocrites love him more, cuz he’s the bad boy they dream of being, but are too scared to be. Like he says, he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it. What does all this tell you about him and his people? Exactly….

Wow, I’m SO happy! Dotard says he’s gonna ‘liberate Colorado!’

 BUT, is it just more of his LIES, like he claims crime has skyrocketed in Aurora, CO, when it’s down 31%, as he bitches about an out of control border when he and his rightwingnut pals killed the Bipartisan border bill cuz he wanted the campaign issue. Or, is it like his claim of runaway inflation, when it’s down to 2.4% and his claim of a wrecked economy as the stock market continues to set records. Who swallows the crap from this lying jackass? Oh yeah, the same morons who get their ‘news’ from a Repub Propaganda Outlet. Never mind….

Dotard claimed a gang of NINE Venezuelans took over Aurora. Just like the asshole claimed Haitians are eating pets in Ohio.

 AND, he claimed some polls show him LEADING in Colorado. Who swallows this crap? Oh yeah, the same gullible ignorant sheep who swallow FOXLies. Nothing new here….

Dotard was in Aurora today, spreading bullshit from his vile lips, again. ALL the local Republicans chastised the jerk, but it didn’t matter, as the jackass claimed Venezuelan gangs had taken over Aurora.

 Nothing new here, as he made up crap which the sheep will swallow, cuz they always do…. There was ONE Venezuelan gang, with 9 members, and it’s been broken up, with multiple arrests, BUT, facts make no difference the gullible ignorant sheep. Again, nothing new here.

Boss Hogg WAS going to be interviewed on 60 Minutes, like every nominee since 1968, until he found out he’d be fact-checked, and he totally freaked out, cancelling at the last minute. The asshole don’t deal in FACTS. But the sheep don’t give a shit….


Excuse the language, but this pic from Reddit was too good, not to repost.


Wow, you know the LIES from the Lyin King have reached a dangerous level, when even the clowns at Bullshit Mountain are calling him out.

  'It Is Bull': Fox News Anchor Calls Out Trump On Live TV Over Hurricane 'Misinformation' Neil Cavuto declared that the false FEMA claims pushed by the GOP nominee "cannot be tolerated.” Yup, the Pathological Liar will say ANYTHING that he thinks the gullible ignorant sheep will swallow, cuz they usually do.