as in, pain in the ass. Went to see 'Pirates' last night and did a lot of squirming and wiggling in my seat, cause it was a LONG, sometimes boring, movie, and my back was sore. Somehow, I dislodged my billfold from my pocket (99% sure), because it wasn't in my pocket this morning, and we didn't go anywhere else, and I've torn the car and house apart. The movie people swear they didn't find it, which is MAYBE true. Anyway, today, it's cancel credit cards, get new driver's license, (what a zoo), library card, insurance card, and cry about lost cash. Wish whoever found it would at least return some of it, but doesn't look like it. It's not like they don't know who it belonged to. Hope their Karma dumps all over them. If it hasn't happened to you, try to make sure it doesn't, cause it's a real sickening feeling...


The Wanderer said…
Let us know, did you ever get your wallet back??
Fam Guy said…
Nope, never got it back. Replaced credit cards, driver's lic, etc. A real bummer...

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