Hard to believe, I know,

BUT, I finally found something W (shown here slamming the door after accidently surprising Cheney and Rush in a compromising position) and I agree on. The time has come for offshore drilling. Even Katrina and Rita caused no serious leaks to over 4000 rigs in the Gulf. Hope Obama can get on the right side of this issue.


Anonymous said…
I love it! You explained the look on his face perfectly.
Anonymous said…
did he just see his life flash before his eyes? Jenna and Henry still on their honeymoon? Laura pole-dancing? Cheney pole-dancing? Ma Bush pole- dancing? Sen. Larry Craig in the men's bathroom? His own shadow? The Scott McCellen book club meeting? Monty Hall and what's behind door #3? An Elect-ro-fied door handle? oooo, I wish!!!!

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