Throughout his life and career, Dotard was pro-choice, until his handlers realized he needed the ‘church vote’, cuz those people actually get out and vote.

 SO, to get the vote, the Hypocrite espoused a new ‘belief’ and the morally bankrupt, LYING conman got the Church Hypocrites to back him, no matter that he was a proud pussy grabber who lied and cheated his way to wealth, using multiple bankruptcies, fake Universities and Foundations and his Army of Lawyers to stay out of prison.

A match made in political heaven, for which the majority suffers.

When he needed the evangelical vote, he promised he'd appoint anti-abortion justices -- abandoning his own former pro-choice stance. About 27% of the voting-eligible population voted for Trump in 2016, but now, 100% of the population will bear the fallout for decades to come.


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