Just like the Pubs pretended Hillary should have been in BENGHAZI! hiding in the bushes with an AR-15

 after the Pubs voted to cut budget for protecting US Embassies, (look it up), some of those same Pubs are now saying Joe should have inspected the train that went off the tracks after the Trumpies gutted a train safety bill, (look it up), cutting regulations that probably would have prevented the toxic derail.

Dotard didn’t waste an6 time, though, getting to the site, bitching about old Joe, and hawking his new Trump-branded water, using the national microphone to promote another of his businesses that will probably fail, based on his track record with his casinos, airline, vodka, university, foundation and most of his hotels and golf courses that are gushing $$ after losing his lucrative government related contracts.

As always, the Pubs dodge responsibility for their actions that caused the problem, cutting funding, and use it for political propaganda with the sheep that have no use for facts, choosing FOX, instead…..


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