Surprise!, FOX and the Pubs are bitching, AGAIN,

cuz Obama is 'dithering', and his policy is 'Ready, Aim, Fire', instead of the Pub policy of 'Fire, Aim, Ready', as he is putting together a world coalition to fight ISIS. The 'Chicken Hawks' don't understand what's happening, cuz they don't have a clue, when it comes to WORLD policy, instead of 'cowboy mentality', basesd on lies. HUGE difference, and the sheep, MIGHT understand someday, but I doubt it, as they get their 'news?', from FOX(R), where they are 'anti-Obama, ALL the time'. Same old shit from the propaganda arm of the Pub party, who won't be happy until they control the purse strings again. Anyone remember (2008) and what happened last time?


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