Cory Gardner, Pub candidate

for US Senate, running against Mark Udall in COlorado, gave a major speech yesterday, slamming Udall and Obama for stopping the Keystone pipeline. But, as always, there are a few things he DIDN'T say.
The pipeline has been stopped by the (R) State of Nebr, because they don't want it. ALL my relatives(R) in Nebr, that I have spoken with, are adamantly AGAINST it.
It is Canadian oil, shipped across the US, for world markets, that may rupture and ruin the groundwater. It doesn't help the US at all, except for the few temporary construction jobs it provides, and, OH YEAH, the Koch Bros who get the contracts (profits) for the pipleline and the terminal in Texas, where it LEAVES the US.
Typical Pub propaganda, that glossses over the facts, blaming Obama for a Pub problem (like Iraq), with huge profits for the 1%. Nothing new here...


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