This is Mikey Dread,

a fantastic Reggae artist from, guess where? Right, Jamaica, mon. Ran into "World Music Festival", another name for "Reggae Festival" at Keystone Village this weekend while staying at the condo. REALLY nice surprise and hope to catch it every year. ( The first band was Achille Baldal, who was REALLY good.) Sponsored by Red Stripe, Jamaican beer, mon. Since I plan to rip some of his music from the web, instead of paying $$ for it, decided to take an idea from Nate, and buy a T-shirt. He thanked me from the stage, and then later, after the concert came up to me, cause he could tell I enjoyed the show. Bottom line, I couldn't understand a word he said. He was happy though. Guess Jamaican language is 'Patois'. Whatever, it sure ain't English...


Anonymous said…
Glad you guys had a good time! What luck you ran into the festival...

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