Cooking tips

from the Swedish Chef. Spent yesterday afternoon chasing down green chilis, from Lafayette, to Broomfield, to Federal Hts, and eventually found a roaster in Westminster. Either they are kinda rare this year, or people were shining me on. Finally lined up a half bushel, bought some pork roasts, garlic and onions, picked some tomatoes and slow cooked the biggest roast over-night. Spent the morning peeling and cleaning the peppers, shredding the pork and adding all the special ingredients. Gotta say, it turned out pretty good. Could be hotter, but can always add some heat. Had an unusual lunch. Green chili and leftover sushi from my date with Kari, at Benihana's, last night. 'Twas great to see/talk with her, and hear she is doing well, though busy, with her many different classes at Coal Creek. Oh yeah, the cooking tip. After I crock-potted the pork roast, I removed the meat and was left with a bunch of fatty juice. I added ice cubes, which caused the fat to form in a big clump w/the cubes, and I removed the whole thing in a chunk, and had some great stock to start my 'soup'. Another tip, use chicken bullion, instead of water, to makethe broth. That's all for today, kids. Free samples of 'Steve's Green Chili' for all my loyal readers. (Offer good for 2 days) Then it gets frozen. Bye...


Anonymous said…
That is some of the best Green Chili EVER!!!! And those you gave us for the sandwiches, YUM! Thanks!

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