Today's Rocky

Mountain News had a column by Paul Campos that really touched my heart, as it is something I could have written myself. He says, " was going to write about how several people have told me that my opinions have gotten increasingly shrill and vitriolic. I planned to muse thoughtfully on this issue, and to consider what larger trends in society have driven a person such as myself-a squishy ideological moderate who until recently was not all that interested in politics per se- to spend more and more time shouting from the metaphorical rooftops that, for instance, the Bush administration has become a cesspool of incompetence and corruption (oops, I did it again). ------- Couldn't have said it better myself......


Anonymous said…
You know, I used to think you were unnecessarily obsessed with your hated of Bush. I'm now starting to think you were just ahead of your time.

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