Bush, has some regrets...

He admitted that "Bring 'em on" and "Dead or Alive" may not have suggested he is a 'Man of Peace'. DUH, ya think? That, along with a war on, 'oops, bad information, torture and Abu Ghraib. Yeah, you may have some regrets, but NOTHING like we have about you.


Anonymous said…
Just remember, he did it "his wwwwaaaayyyyy."
Anonymous said…
Steve-tell us how you really feel about the Republican in the White House.
Where are the photos we read your blog for????
Fam Guy said…
Hey, I added 10 photos (all in one pic) for this last piece, (although I hate comparing an intelligent mammal to Bush) and you still complain?
Anonymous said…
Just a "chimp" off the old family tree. Striking resemblence, I have to say. Good one, Steveo.

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