More great news

WASHINGTON - Nearly one-third of America's top executives expect to cut payrolls in the coming months, reflecting fallout from the housing bust as well as soaring energy prices.

If 1/3 admit it, now, over 1/2 will eventually do it. How you think that's gonna affect an already floundering economy, with $4 gas, house prices going straight down, and food prices going straight up? Sorry to keep being gloomy, BUT, try to prepare for life-changing events....


Anonymous said…
Prepare for an ever increasing crime our area, copper thefts are at an all time high. Thieves are even breaking into swimming pools, public and private and stealing ladders, plumbing of all descriptions. Gas meter pipes from off houses; Cateletic (sp) converters from autos in driveways and shopping mall parking lots; gutters and soffits from houses; at trucking companies locally, thieves are breaking into semi trailers and stealing electrical wiring and any type of metal. Police aren't cracking down on scrap yards.

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You think the Repub brand is tarnished now?

Not sure why,