Did you know,

that the only time in our history that control of the U.S. armed forces left the military, and temporarily went to the executive branch (Dick Cheney), was on 9-11, (BEFORE the attacks), and the Air Force wasn't able to stop the planes that were obviously hijacked? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGI5BmNd7AE Cheney managed to get control, because of a special 'security exercise' that involved a 'fake' attack, by jetliners on the East Coast.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em_XyTeNA1g That 67 out of 67 times in the previous year, Air Force jets intercepted airliners in the same situation, BUT, he overuled the military? I know, VERY hard to believe, BUT, Google it yourself. Use words like 'Cheney, 9-11, military exercise'. It's all there, and it's all about Iraq and oil ('we need a Pearl Harbor', is what Cheney said, to be able to attack Iraq). We know it worked, BUT are you ready to believe Cheney helped make it happen? I could give you MANY references, but you need to read it yourself. Google is absolutely amazing when it comes to accessing information. Check out Cheney and all the weird stuff that was happening on 9-11. Make your own decision, but to me, it is WAY obvious what happened. Bottom line, oil went from $28 to $146/barrel. Oh yeah, and Bush and Cheney are Big Oil people. Hard to believe, I know, but Cheney has blood dripping from his hands. Come on, Google it, I dare ya....


Anonymous said…
yup, yup, uh huh, that's a right, exactly, absolutely 100% on the mark! Let's not forget the detonations 18 minutes apart on the lower floors on the WTC when the plane hit, either. That bit of info can be found on youtube.com. This info was passed on by firefighters and persons evacuated from the towers. I believe I sent that video to you Stevo.

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