McCain commercial:

Have you seen it? Starts out showing some Woodstock hippie stuff and talks of 'Summer of Love' If you were there, you KNOW what it was about. BUT, the commercial says, McCain had a different kind of love. His love had to do with dropping bombs from 40,000 feet. For those of us that were there, we know that Viet Nam was a bullshit economic war, just like Iraq. How stupid do you have to be to think that qualifies someone to be president?


Anonymous said…
I'm not so certain about your Nam analogy Stevo. The conflict goes way back to 1954 when SEATO was formed, which Washington justified its support for South Viet Nam and this support eventually became our direct involvement in sending U.S. troops. From the 1880's until WWII France governed Viet Nam as part of French Indo China. In 1940 Japanese troops invaded and occupied Indo China.
Fam Guy said…
Like 'Nam was ever a threat to us?? A totally bullshit war that split the country.

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