Instead of watching commercials,

sometimes I'll switch over to FOX to see what's going on there. Part of the reason is that they have a pretty slick news department, good looking female reporters, and interesting stories. The main reason, though, is to see how they ALWAYS put their slant on the news. Their company-wide memoranda, the last couple of days, HAD to be, 'smear Obama with the Blagojevich story', and, my oh my, have they jumped on that with enthusiasm. Even though the Feds said he was not involved at all. and one of Blag's quotes stated, all the Obama people would give me was 'appreciation', every one of the talking heads at FOX is relentlessly showing pics of the two of them at the same event, talking, etc. and continually bringing up 'typical Chicago politics, of which Obama is a part'. IF, there's a connection, which I doubt, THEN report it. But that's not the FOX way. Sleaze and slander and implication. What a bunch of sleazeballs....


Anonymous said…
Chicago- For Sale: One senate seat. Goes to highest "Bleep-ing" bidder.
Outraged by the arrest of Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, more than a dozen people have put the state's vacant Senate seat up for bid on eBay.
Anonymous said…
But wait, isn't Obama a muslim who is either a terrorist or who has terrorist affiliations and friends. THat's what I learned from FOX.
(By the way, I'm totally kidding)
Anonymous said…
On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Counrt declined the opportunity to hear arguments by a New Jersey man who claims that Mr. Obama is ineligible to become president because he doesn't fit the definition of a "natural born citizen." Foes had pined their hope of invalidating the election on the Supreme Counrt finding favor with their bizarre argument that mr. Obama is a mystry man sitting on dual British and U.S. citizenship. In fact, Obama is not foreign born, having a birth certificate from Hawaii. The name Leo Donofrio will no doubt be of interest to New Jersey.
Anonymous said…
Boy, i can't spell fer sh*% when I'm in a hurry....
Anonymous said…
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if you want more info you can email me.
blesings Stacey
living balanced at comcast dot net

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