Maybe some good news

Yesterday, Dr Leistikow said I have a gallstone, and sent me to get an ultrasound, then to plan on having my gall bladder removed today. Well, I called around and was quoted $940, $720 and then, $196, at the last place, if I paid cash, BUT they couldn't get to me 'til this morning. Problem is, I had a pretrial hearing for the traffic ticket I am pleading 'not guilty' to, and it was too late to get out of it. So, I went to court, and 'voila', I am feeling better for the first time in about a week. Still am going thru with the trial, BUT, the fact that I had it going on probably saved me from rushing into surgery. I have been massaging my gall bladder area, tring to move a probable blockage from a stone, and as I have been doing it, it has hurt less and today, the pain is nearly gone, which makes me think it may have passed. 'Tis a good weight-loss method, (not being able to eat), as I lost 12 lbs this week, but I'm not reommending it. Just saying, again, that there are times it seems like there's someone looking out for me. Without court, most likely I would have been in surgery this morning, Am definitely not out of the woods yet, but things are looking up.


Anonymous said…
Just watch your stools....if you pass a big enough stone....go to the jewelers, find a really nice setting and have the damn thing mounted. It will make a great Christmas present! One down.............

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