As I watched.

the historical footage of Walter Cronkite's life, the memories came flooding back. One of them, was how he changed public opinion, coming out against the Viet Nam War. He later said he wished someone had stood up against Bush, when he was lying about Iraq. The main memory was JFK's assassinataion. If you actually believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone, THEN, Jack Ruby, as a patriot, shot him, acting alone, THEN, Ruby died before he could talk, you are SO naive/gullible that I can't relate to you. Bottom line? You ain't alone, BUT, you don't have a clue. Just my humble opinion.


ladyj said…
there was a great program Sat. eve concerning Lee H. Oswald; his childhood, teen years, young adult years, 3 years in Marines, receiving Sharpshooter status. Then his defection to the USSR,(which was reported in the news) where even the Russian spy agency didn't even want him, but he attempted suicide, so they relented. Shortly thereafter, he and wife returned to Dallas, where Lee expected the media would be waiting with open arms for his return, but he was sadly mistaken. This is where Lee decided he would become an icon and kill a public figure. As his older brother related in the report, Lee was a lonely, unloved child. He lost his father at a young age and his mother would tell him he was not wanted. He quit school early, was friendless and wanted to be noticed. What better way than to kill a president???! I believe he acted alone........
Fam Guy said…
That history is exactly what made him the perfect scapegoat. Watch, "JFK", by Oliver Stone, sometime, which brought alot of the story together and see what you think.
Anonymous said…
I don't believe it was Oswald!! A conspiracy that probably won't be solved in my life time! I frequently look back on the 60's and can't believe what happened in that decade and as a young person I had so many ?'s and there were no answers. Made me not put much stock in gov't and media b/s. Never stop questioning! I find your blog interesting!

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