Glenn Beck boycott grows

ConAgra Foods, Procter & Gamble, Walmart, GMAC, Best Buy, CVS, Travelocity, State Farm Insurance, Radio Shack, Men's Wearhouse,, Sargento and many others have pulled their advertising from the 'Glenn Beck Show', after his 'deeply devisive' remarks, such as "Obama is clearly a racist, who hates white people". True, FOX nut jobs will welcome the boycott, and revel in the discord, but, for average person who actually uses his brain, Beck is nothing but a buffoon, and typical of the propaganda that FOX spews, constantly. He is kinda funny, though, when he starts crying....


ladyj said…
The frightening aspect of Fox News is that more people watch these nutcases than watch CNN, MSNBC, & other media outlets. It troubles me when the human mind can be controlled so easily and with little effort. I can well understand brainwashing. To be scared senseless by a news program into believing we're going to Hell in a handbasket, if we don't believe a certain way, worship a certain way, vote a certain way, wave the old red, white & blue, is sheer mindboggling! It shows how easy a nation can fall prey to a despot. When we lose our ability to be a free-thinking society, then we have lost all.
Fam Guy said…
If you count the other news outlets, as a total, then FOX is way down, BUT all the nut cases gather together, and then, they can beat any one outlet. Bottom line, as the song says, the world is full of stupid people, and they tend to gather together. Ain't gonna change. Still, it's pretty sad that FOX has the power it does..
ladyj said…
Rupert Murdoch and his ilk have so much power and persuasion. There are so many folks accepting the word of Fox as gospel. That boggles my mind! It reminds me of the control the Church had over the masses during the Dark Ages; Hitler's magnatism prior to WWII; David Koresh and the Davidions in Waco, Tx....yes Fox is that powerful and that dangerous! Because it has one way of thinking, one way of believing, and Fox is the WAY and the only way and the RIGHT way. I am not overstating what is absolute. Fox News has that power and we should be extremely wary of any organization with that much control. "Wise men change their minds, fools never do."
Anonymous said…
It is nut jobs like you that are ruining this great country!! All Fox news is trying to do is give you the other side. The media excluding Fox has their faces so far up Obamas ass that they won't tell you the truth about whats going on. Had it not been for Fox we would still have Van Jones, a self proclaimed Communist. Is that what you want in America?? Communists running our country?? What about Acorn?? 8.5 Trillion of your tax dollars are going to fund this highly corrupt organization. Fox was the only one to report on this. Just think about it!!
Anonymous said…
It is nut jobs like you that are ruining this great country!! All Fox news is trying to do is give you the other side. The media excluding Fox has their faces so far up Obamas ass that they won't tell you the truth about whats going on. Had it not been for Fox we would still have Van Jones, a self proclaimed Communist. Is that what you want in America?? Communists running our country?? What about Acorn?? 8.5 Trillion of your tax dollars are going to fund this highly corrupt organization. Fox was the only one to report on this. Just think about it!!

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