I just don't understand,

how so many people can be against reforming medical costs. I know the insurance/drug/hospital lobbies are very powerful, and the right wing will lie (they're gonna kill grandma, and illegal aliens will be covered), and do whatever it takes to make Obama look bad, BUT, don't these yokels realize what the current system is like? We have the highest priced (by far) health care in the world, that is # 38 in effectiveness. Looking at Kari's hospital bills, (hundreds of thousands of dollars, to fix the mistake they made last time) and watching health insurance premiums rise to the point that buinesses can't afford to insure their employees, and Medicare is on track to bankrupt the country, one would think it would be obvious something has to be done, BUT, the Repubs have found an issue they can run with, no matter HOW wrong. They proudly say this can be Obama's downfall, as if trying to fix the Bush economic mess isn't enough. I just don't understand....


ladyj said…
Fearmongering, plain and simple. The same thing happened when Social Security was enacted. Scare tactics work. When you are Congress and your campaign funds come from Pharmacutical and Insurance Companies, you're not going to look a gift horse in the mouth and say, "I'm voting for reform, because it's in the best interest of my country." Plus, you definiately don't want to share what you have with (God Forbid) the rest of the people! Plus, it's a givin that govt.really doesn't work well ie.; Homeland Security, Welfare, Cash For Clunkers, FBI, CIA, NSA, Congress, Depts of Interior, Agriculture, IRS,FAA, FDA, etc. I could go on for pages. Too many chiefs and not enough indians, I reckon. People figure, it's an accident waiting to happen.
Fam Guy said…
Yup,the same people who brought us Bush's, 'Oops, bad info', war, and thought nothing of it, now say Obama is a Socialist, for wanting to bring health care under control, are willing to say anything, to wreck his presidency. War is good, Dems are bad. Same ol' shit. Ain't gonna change. FOX RULES!!

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