Have tried to find

a more misleading slogan than 'FOXNews, Fair and Balanced', and considered:

The Third Reich- Friend of the Jew
Ku Klux Klan-Welcoming Negroes to the South
Evolution and Climate Change- Liberal Follies
Alferd Packer-Having Friends for Dinner
GWBush-Intellectual Giant
Salem, Mass-Witches Welcome at our Campfires
Holy Bible- Factually Indisputable
Jerry Sanduskey-Adult Supervision in the Shower
Walmart- Home of 'The Beautiful People'
Rush Limbaugh- The Voice of Reason
The Catholic Church-Marital Advice Experts
Boy George-Masculine Role Model
Iraq- A War Worth Fighting
Afghanistan- We Can Win!
Mexican Border Towns- The Ideal Family Vacation
Golf- Not That Difficult
Mitt Romney-The Most Interesting Man in the World
The Lottery-Great Odds to Become Rich
Republican Party- Champion of Science/Education
Tim Tebow- Party Animal
Lawrence Welk- Greatest Rock n Roll Hits
Sarah Palin- Presidential Material
St Peter's Basilica- Overated Tourist Trap
Big Oil- Worthy Recipient of  'Oil Depletion Allowance'
US Congress- Working Together for the American People

But I finally gave up. FOXNews- Fair and Balanced, is the obvious winner.


Anonymous said…
Some good ones, old man.
Fam Guy said…
One of my favorite quotes, from the judge who sentenced Alferd, not Alfred Packer. 'There were only seven Democrats in Hinsdale County and you ate five of them!'

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