To say that Donald Trump has said something outrageous -- and laughable -- is nothing new at this point. After all, this is a man who wondered whether Ted Cruz's father was involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. A man who has said windmills cause cancer. And a man who suggested the use of disinfectant to combat Covid-19. So, when I say that Trump said perhaps the most outrageous thing he's ever uttered over the weekend at a rally in North Carolina, well, that's saying something. Without further ado then, let's get to it. "I've got to be the cleanest, I think I'm the most honest human being, perhaps, that God has ever created," Trump said. This, from the Pussy Grabber himself, who averaged hundreds of LIES per week while in office, the inciter of an insurrection, and I could go on and on, but why? The morons who support him don’t care about reality and will probably see his statement and blow it off as just Trump being Trump. This is what ...