I’m so glad that Climate Change/Global Warming is just a hoax, as per Sean and the FOXClowns,

 cuz I might be concerned about the fact that the Denver area has only gotten .01” of precip during April, our wettest month, and there’s nothing forecast for the next week. 

When will the morons(R) face reality, as per climate change and the fact that Dotard is a lying criminal who incited an insurrection, based on The Big Lie?

Facts mean nothing to the FOX propaganda machine as they shovel the shit to the gullible ignorant sheep, who swallow the swill and ask for more.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Climate denial claims dominated 86% of climate change segments on Fox News this year, according to a new Public Citizen analysis.

Despite myriad extreme weather events that wreaked havoc across the globe, dangerous climate denial still persists in our political institutions, funded by Big Polluters and fed to large parts of the populace by right-wing media, further contributing to ongoing and deadly inaction.


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