Saw a good TV program, which juxtaposed the unprecedented drought (across not only the US, but also the Rhine in Germany and the Yangtze in China,)

 with footage of the clowns at FOX saying how Global Warming and Climate Change is nothing but a Liberal Hoax.

Yup, we saw Sean and Tucker and some blonde bimbos explaining to the gullible ignorant sheep how the Libs are stoking fear without facts in footage that isn’t that old.

BUT, these same assholes push the Stolen Election bullshit which ACTUALLY has zero evidence.

And you wonder WHY the FOXSheep are so UNinformed/MISinformed and just plain ignorant?

Bottom line, ignorance/stupidity is contagious on Bullshit Mountain, where the gullible meet to hear lies, from the clowns at FOX, where the Stolen Election is real, but Climate Change isn’t.


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