We’re already learning a lot about Doatrd’s strategy in the 2016 election, where he lost the popular vote by MILLIONS, but won in the Electoral College.

 Boss Hogg and his lawyer Cohen conspired with David Pecker, owner/publisher of The National Enquirer, (where a YUUUGE number of Dotard’s voters get their news, along with the crap from Bullshit Mountain), to only print articles that were favorable to the Orange Clown or unfavorable to his opponents.

Part of the strategy was ‘catch and kill’, where Pecker would buy exclusive access to a story, as in when Boss Hogg was boinking some broads while Melania was with their newborn, get them to sign an exclusivity contract, and then never publish.

Now, the Lyin King, and his Army of Lawyers is denying the whole thing, and calling EVERYONE ELSE, the liars, while all the recordings and signed checks and witnesses  ‘under oath’ tell the real story.

Nothing new here, but no big deal, cuz we ALL know he’s a LYING, morally bankrupt piece of shit, but only some of us care.


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