A new record!

MOST UNPOPULAR PRESIDENT, EVER! See, I'm not alone in my opinion of that clown. Dubya's 'DIS'approval rating set a modern day record, beating Harry Truman and Richard Nixon, by 5%. Those of us who endured Tricky Dicky, and the Viet Nam war, thought such BS was behind us. WRONG! Now we have Dubya and Iraq. If it weren't for FOX news, with their undeniable 'slant' on the news, and the gullibility of a certain segment of the American people, W's approval rating would be in single digits. Specifically, his only fans, are those who are making a profit from the war in Iraq, his buddies in 'Big Oil', and those who remain 'willfully ignorant', by choice. Yea, George! How low can you go???


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