Now for, the REST of the story

As I said, Kenny had brought his buddy, wife and young boys up, a couple weeks before we got there. 'Twas the trip from Hell, for them. After being held at the border for 2 days while they waited for the boys' birth certificates (no idea why they were required) they continued north, hauling their small boat to fish, along the way, until they lost a wheel and wrecked it. When they finally flew in, it started to rain, and kept raining, the whole time. Along with the bear trouble, they also had a hard time catching fish, and they had planned to eat a LOT of fish, so hadn't brought enough food. The day they were supposed to fly out, the rain held off until they had everything out on the dock,waiting for the plane that didn't show up, then they, and their bedding and clothes, got thoroughly drenched. As he later told me of the fiasco, including many details I don't have room for, I said something like, "Well at least no one died'" Not totally true, he said. While they were gone, Kenny's mom, who lived by herself, in a small house close to them, died. His unscrupulous inlaws heard about it, showed up with a truck and took everything of value, BUT made no plans for burial, etc. Sooo, when I think I'm having a bad day, I try to remember Kenny's trip, and realize, things could be worse....


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