Another close one

When I worked for Feyline Concerts, we did most of the local shows at the old 'Coliseum', and got to know most of the employees there. SOO, when there were other events there, we could usually get in 'for free.' Gary and I went to a prizefight, one night, when local heavyweight, Ron Lyle, was on the bill. After the fight, that Ron won, we were leaving thru the rear entrance, and Gary was doing some boxing moves, in fun, with 'Pops', the old guy who was a fixture at the back door. Someone from a group of about 6 Mexicans, a ways away, said something like, "Don't mess with the old man", and Gary said, "Don't worry gentlemen, we are just having fun', or something like that. (well, maybe not, exactly) Next thing I knew, some guy took a swing at Gary, he ducked and dropped the guy. Then there were 2 of them on him, all fired up from watching the prize fight, and he was getting hurt, SOO, I swung the motorcycle helmet I was carrying, and dropped one of them. All of a sudden we were surrounded and backed into a corner. I remember Pops running away and thinking, "Darn, he shoulda stayed to help', but didn't have long to think, as things were getting interesting fast. Just as we were being overwhelmed, I saw a body go flying backwards and heard a loud voice say, "I don't like these odds!" It was Ron Lyle, still in his robe, that Pops had brought to help us. Fight over, instantly, but I did have a souvenir. My metallic blue motorcycle helmet, with the fluorescent 'peace sign' on the back, had a large crack, thru the peace sign, where I had cracked it over a guy's head. Kinda ironic, for a
'Peace' sign...


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