Not a close call,

but I remember it made me laugh, when I was pheasant hunting with three of my high school buddies. Kirk Melson was driving his old Chevy and as we drove past a farmhouse, a big dog ran out and started barking at the car. "Watch this", he said, and he opened the driver's side door as he hit the brakes, expecting the dog to crumple as it hit the door, as had happened when his buddy did it. This time, however, as the car stopped, the door kept going, breaking the hinges, and slamming into the front fender, as the dog started biting his leg. Will never forget him trying to shake off the growling dog, as he accelerated away, with no door to close. 'Twas the same day Ron Blessing wore a goofy hat, with ear flaps, and Scott Nelson came up with a plan for it. At a prearranged signal, Scott grabbed the hat from Ron's head, threw it in the air, and we all emptied our shotgus on it. Can still see that hat dancing in the air, as it was blown into many little pieces. Teach him to wear a goofy hat...


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