Some stories that didn't make it;

to my 'close calls', but were close.
The time Reynaldo rescued me, when I took out a sailboat, before I really knew how to sail, and I was headed to Cuba, cause I didn't know how to turn it around. He and his Sea-doo were a lifesaver as I watched the shoreline disappear in the distance.
The times I slid down steep roofs, finally to catch my toes on the gutter, when I was doing insurance work.
The time Scott, Buggs and I were building a house, and after we had pre-fabbed a LARGE truss, made out of 2x12x20 footers, we stood it up and I walked off to the side to see how it looked while Buggs held it, or SHOULD have. As I turned around, it hit me on top of the head when it fell, knocking me out. I came to, to the howls of Buggs, laughing his ass off. Thanks, Buggs..
The time a mentally deranged guy rode up on Dick Abood and me, while we were sneaking up on ducks on a rural farm pond, and said, as he pointed a 30-30 at us, "Drop your guns and come with me", and he marched us, with our hands in the air, to a farmhouse, where his mother came out and said, "Oh Leonard, put that gun down, I told you not to do that anymore", and sent him to his room.
The time I shot shot a large buck deer in the neck with an arrow, paralyzing the front half, then held on to his neck, on as we rolled (several times) down a steep mountainside, after I tried to 'finish him' with a knife, and his back legs went crazy as I straddled him. Only a small tree kept us from going over a cliff, together. I swear it's true. Cooper was there.
The time I lost a front wheel when I was going over 60 MPH on a Texas hiway at night.
The time Nate and I were going full speed across a bay on the far side of Wildnest Lake and we hit a large rock, 2" under the water.
The time I was lost in a blizzard, skiing Arapahoe Basin, and skiied up to the BACK of a sign that said, "Closed- Avalanche Area"
Enough for now. I'm thirsty...


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