Surprise, surprise

In his memoir entitled "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception," former White House spokesman, Scott McClellan, writes that the Bush White House made "a decision to turn away from candor and honesty when those qualities were most needed"
In other words, he LIED. SURPRISE! Who woulda guessed? Nothing new here, just in who is admitting it. The ultimate insider, and mouthpiece for a lying administration. Manipulation of facts, denial of sources that didn't agree. Secret meetings to discuss how to cover up and disguise the truth. Calling the Iraq War, unnecessary and disastrous. WOW!
However, I'm sure nothing that Rush and O'Reilly can't explain away to their legions of ignorant idiots, by calling him, let me guess, a disgruntled former employee, trying to sell a book. Then they'll cherry pick the facts, finding some they like, while dismissing what they don't. Sorta like the Bushies and the Iraq war. Some things never change...


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