Through the pass,

that Ted and Nate tried to walk over in the middle of the night, awhile back. Same snow that tried to collapse our tents, BUT made it easier to 'DeerSleigh' out the elk. Kinda pretty from a distance, huh? Also, the packaging went VERY smoothly this year, I thought. Guess we're just getting better at it. And, very importantly, this year's elk is excellent. From a distance, and now that I'm finally starting to shake the 'bug' I had, this year's hunt is losing some of it's negatives, and next year, I just might go back.


Anonymous said…
Deer Sleigh? What do you just call out to the deer and ask them to go sledding?
Fam Guy said…
Yeah. And when they show up for the sledding party, you shoot 'em. Yukk, that sounds bad.

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