Here she is!

Our little smart car, sitting in the driveway. Can actually park it in my shop, at the back of the garage. Kinda like it and am gonna miss it if/when I sell it.


Anonymous said…
Why sell it?
Fam Guy said…
That's the only reason I bought it. Too impractical for me, and don't need a third car.
Anonymous said…
boys and their toys........I just don't get it. If it's so impractical for you, why then did you get it in the first place? Just to turn around and sell it? And you fellahs think we gals are hard to figure out!
Ranny said…
Where do you put the golf clubs???????
Fam Guy said…
The only way I could carry golf clubs would be to lay down the passenger seat.
Fam Guy said…
And yes, ladyJ, I bought it just to sell it, and hopefully make some $$ on the deal. We're not all as wealthy as Ranny.
Anonymous said…
Ranny's wealthy??? He's been begging on street corners for years now!!

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