Not that I'm back, BUT,

I'm pissed. Just saw a partial 'Larry King Live', show, where people called in after hearing that the Ramsey's were cleared by DNA, in Jon Bebet's death, 12 years ago. If you happened to actually live around here, and saw and heard the facts of the story, not just the national media hype, you KNEW the parent's didn't do it, and all the insinuations were just thrown out there to sell stories. Now, with new DNA technology, there is incontrovertible proof that there was a 3rd party male. BUT, the idiots are still out there, and getting the air-time. This new evidence means nothing to them. The parents are guilty! They must be. They lived in Boulder, let their daughter compete in beauty contests, and hired a high powered lawyer to protect themselves. Guilty, guilty, guilty! It was probably a hired killer, that would explain it. Poor John Ramsey, lost his beautiful daughter, then wife, lived under a cloud of suspicion, and now is convicted all over again by the same ignorant masses that gave us W. GIve me a break!


Anonymous said…
I agree - what a botched mess that was when it was happening. Time to leave that poor man alone.
Anonymous said…
From what I've read of the Boulder Police, they botched the job from the beginning. Wasn't it John Ramsey, himself, who found his daughter's body, on the second "sweep" of the house, in the basement? That tells me a great deal about the ineptitude of the police department.

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