I think I will remember

these last few days, as the time God was finally able to get thru to me, in spite of my stubborness and thick head. He IS real, and I think he likes me, in spite of my many flaws. It's been quite an awakening.


Anonymous said…
Good for you, Stevo! I hope you take that same Spirit home with you when this is all over and thank God for removing the veil from your eyes so that you can at last see.
Fam Guy said…
It wasn't a veil, it was a blindfold.
Anonymous said…
Nah, you always knew He was with you and you with Him. You just planted your feet like an old Missouri mule. Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost, but now am found. Once blind, but now I see.

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