Obama, the flip flopper

Just when he makes a stand, and calls Sarah Palin a lipstick wearing pig, he flip flops when he finds that some people don't like it. Disgraceful. Stand by your opinions, Barack, no matter what FOX says. Don't need no more flip floppers....


Anonymous said…
NOW, NOW...Obama did not call Palin a pig. What he said was you can't change a pig by putting lipstick on it. Referring to McCain saying he was for "change"-had nothing to do with Palin. Sounds like the Republican spin machine is indeed working overtime! And afterall Sarah is the one who coined her likeness to a pitbull with lipstick-much more disgusting to me than a pig!
Fam Guy said…
Hey, old gal, you of all people should recognize when I'm kidding, like I do sometimes...
Ranny said…
Hey old gal....I even figured that one our
Fam Guy said…
Hey Ranny, remember when you said 'old gal' looked like Cheryl Ladd? One of the few times in your life you were right. I think I got lucky...
Ranny said…
You bet I remeber that ...she is a keeper... you did get lucky but the old gal did not
Fam Guy said…
Better me than her, right?

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