Saw a quote I liked, which said,

basically, "most Republicans live in an alternate universe formed by the bellicose beligerance of Rush Limbaugh and the low rent bullying of Bill O'Reilly". Talk about hitting the nail on the head. Those FOX News viewers, who believe the Repub owned propaganda machine actually is a legitimate news network are unable to grasp the reality that 90% of news organizations aren't a liberal plot. They just report the news as it happens, and don't have to put 'fair and balanced' after their name, as if that makes it true. FOX News, what a joke, if it weren't so sad....


Anonymous said…
Had a relative e-mail me yesterday to state that I should watch Fox news to hear the "true and unbiased news". Thought I'd fall off my chair laughing. This relative is also voting for McCain and Palin because anyone who is pro-abortion is "evil". It's perfectly okay to base a war on a lie, torture, send young men and women to their death, continue to give to the rich and take from the poor, but by golly you'd better not be for Row vs. Wade. What the hell is wrong with people? I've heard this reasoning from McCain supporters and Conservatives throughout the campaign. By the way, Joe is on the loose in Ohio. He's traveling with the McCain bunch. Somebody get that man a job! If they have a plugged commode on the bus, Joe can fix it. The bus is full of bovine defecation anyway.

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