Found out today

that I have 'alot' of gallstones, but none of the ducts are blocked, so that is good. Dr said I could probably get by with a low fat diet, which is a good idea, anyway, and if I wanted to avoid trouble in the future, I should have my gall bladder removed, BUT, there was no big hurry. He recommended lining up a surgeon and anesthesiologist, which I have done, and get their prices in writing. He was as shocked as I was at the prices of the hospital rooms, for out-patient surgery, cash up front, and pointed me toward day-surgery possibilities. All in all, a good day. Stomach is bettter ever day, as it looks like the stone, or whatever it was, passed, this time. Am gonna get all my ducks in a row, in case I need a quick gall bladder removal, (or anything else) and it's been a great education. The ultra-sound this morning was for my entire abdominal area, and for $146 cash, final price, they checked out all my major arteries and veins, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, etc., and it all looked fine, so that's good. Am gonna gradually try to start eating normally and go from there. Time will tell, but at least I got a plan.


Anonymous said…
Great photo, by the way... good to hear you are better and let us join together and pray that surgery will not be needed. All will be well. Tofu and Soy milk here we come......yummy.
Anonymous said…
We're so glad to hear this good news and happy the visit to the doctor was so productive. :)

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