Enough, already

Just got a call from Kari, who had an emergency ambulance ride to the hospital, last night. She's better now, but from 11:00 'til about 6, was in BAD pain, with a kidney stone. Never had one myself, but Carol has, and says it's the worst. Am waiting to hear she is home and OK. Not sure if it passed, or just slowed down. Poor kid...


Anonymous said…
Had Kari been somewhat dehydrated? Usually that is what causes a kidney stone. However is is more prevalent in men than women and occurs more often in warmer months than in winter. Could be a bladder stone, too.
Anonymous said…
Please don't hotlink to images ["hotlinking" is when you find an image you like, and use the code directly from the website you found it from]. Use Photobucket or an image host instead.

Or you might get a nasty surprise one day when someone secretly changes the image to something you don't want to see...
Anonymous said…
I did warn you...
Anonymous said…
I am a part owner of the domain that you're hotlinking that picture from, and I ask that you remove your link immediately.

If you link directly to a picture on somebody else's site, you are costing them internet bandwidth (each time someone visits your page, the bandwidth I pay for is taken up by that image being requested to your page). I'd find another picture if I were you.

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