Here we go again...

Kari just told me that Ted was looking at her incision/scar that had not healed properly from the last surgery, and, believe it or not, the plastic tubing was visible, outside her scalp. UNBELIEVABLE! The scar tissue, that had been cut through SO MANY TIMES, hadn't healed, and the 'plumbing' broke through. Now, it's gotta ALL be replaced, because the system has been compromised. The valve, fittings, and all the tubes, including those to her abdomen, that just got put in place, have to be redone. The poor girl was just getting her life back, starting to teach, again, just this week. Is hard for me to write/think/believe. I thought we were done with this for awhile, but, here we go again. Excuse me while I pull my hair out...


Anonymous said…
Gawd.....pluezze. What is with these doctors, anyway, Stevo? I cannot believe they botched the surgery, especially after what Kari went through post-surgical with all the pain! This is just too, too much. This is malpractice time.
Anonymous said…
That didn't take you long. It shouldn't be too bad this time. The thing that bugs me is, I just got my life back. Going to work, doing things around the house ect. and now here we go again.
Trust me Lady J I will be demanding that my regular surgon Dr. Winston(not the one who performed the last surgery as Dr. Winston was out of town) will be doing the entire surgery himself this time. I go in on Friday for a pre-op appt. and I all ready have a list of questions and things that they NEED to be aware of so this WILL NOT happen again.
Thanks for all your support and thoughts though.
Anonymous said…
As I said to Stevo before when meds were botched and Kari had an allergic reaction, I'd make damn sure and certain nothing was given without that bracelet being checked first! Nurses should carry a hand held computer that they use to scan the patient's bracelet before anything is done. As a nurse, this is just appalling what you all have gone through with this hospital, doctors and staff. I would have had all heads of departments answering why.

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