It's finally here

Deliverance from the Bush era. I can't believe the feeling of relief and hope. This high, could not have been without the low that we sunk to, with W in charge. Let's hope we can survive. It ain't gonna be easy, and I'm not sure we will, with the quality of life, to which we have become accustomed. Our treasury and confidence have been sacked, by an administration that is without equal in modern times, in their wide ranging damage across all levels of our society. Thank you SO MUCH, you Bush supporters.... But, it is a brave new world. All things are possible in America. W is back in Texas. The whole country has a new, positive attitude. Bottom line, it will be so nice, and SO different, to have someone with a working BRAIN, in charge. 'Twill be such a nice change...


Anonymous said…
Whoa. How do you really feel?
Fam Guy said…
I really feel like a small, uninformed minority, inflicted, upon us, the Bush administration, which was a DISASTER, for us all.
Anonymous said…
But you're not a minority...he has the lowest approval rating since tricky Dick.

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