Will Ferrel as 'W',

in 'You're Welcome America', a one-man Broadway show, should be pretty funny, in a tragic sort of way. Both Mr. Ferrell and Mr. McKay, the producer, said they were initially concerned that they might not have enough material for 75 minutes, since Mr. Ferrell had never played President Bush for longer than a 10-minute segment.
“We very quickly discovered we could do a three-hour show with this character — the more you dig into who he is, where he comes from, it’s really shocking and extremely interesting at the same time,” Mr. McKay said. “We can’t help but fail in portraying the scope of how much of a disaster the last eight years have been.”


Anonymous said…
McKay is just figuring that out? Geez, give that man a Nutter Butter.
Did you read Doonsbury this Sunday?

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