Cheney is furious,

by all accounts, NOT because he and his buddies trashed the US and the world's economic system, BUT, because Bush wouldn't pardon his buddy Scooter Libby, the guy who went after Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, when they blew the whistle about "No WMD", in the buildup to the war. It was obvious to anyone who cared about the truth, that there was no way Saddam had nuclear capability, and Wilson and Plame tried to sound the alarm. Bush/Cheney went after them, through 'Scooter', and lied to the public concerning the whole situation. Scooter took the fall, and Cheney is PISSED, that Bush didn't pardon him. Guess W thought it was too obvious. Anyway, Cheney is 'furious' according to all accounts. The way we should all be, for continually being lied to, by that bunch of crooks. Jail's too good for 'em...


Anonymous said…
could explain his w/c entrance at inaug. of Obama....maybe he didn't wish to walk with Bush. Nanny nanny boo-boo, Stick yer head in doo-doo. Of course if the man (& I use that word loosely) ever smiled, his face would crack. He is the spawn of Satan, literally.

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