Just heard

a good thought, from Ron Reagan, not Ronald, but the one in the family with a triple digit IQ. He explained the difference between the 30% of the population who wants to be in control, and the 70% who are actually in the majority, when it comes to things like stem cell research, gay marriage, abortion, legalization of marijuana and lots of other hot button issues. The majority doesn't ask to impose their will on the others. NO. But, the 30%, who mostly don't have their own lives together, think they need to tell everyone else how to live. It's that simple. Libs would never say you HAVE to participate in stem cell research, HAVE to have an abortion, you MUST smoke pot, etc, BUT, the other side thinks they are SO SMART, they need to tell us ALL what to do. It sucks, but that's how they think. Give me a break. Live your own life, and let the rest of us do the same. This is America, land of freedom and rule by majority.


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