On my TV

FOX is located between CNN and CNBC, so when I'm flipping between News channels, I get the propaganda channel. Yesterday, when an outnumbered liberal columnist tried to point out that Obama is just reacting to the mess he inherited, the ever-obnoxious Hannity, shouted her down saying Blah, blah,blah, (literally) then screamed how Obama could no longer blame Bush, it's HIS mess now. As if 8 years of total incompetence could be fixed in a couple of months. When Hannity complained about the bailouts, the lib pointed out the obvious, that Bush started the $750 billion TARP, he totally cut her off, saying that is 'old news', like it wasn't relevant anymore. To think there are idiots out there who get their news from this cess pool. UN believable, but true...


ladyj said…
Why do these "normal" people believe they have a chance to speak when appearing on Fox? If they have an opposite viewpoint, they are always shouted down, told they are idiots, accused of being morons, talked over. Why accept the invitation knowing its for naught? If those folks would refuse to appear clearly stating the reason why, hopefully Fox would shut up and give them air time as any good host would.

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